Hey ew, it's always good to hear from you.
I'm currently sitting in a mostly empty apartment, all my furniture dismantled and packed, ready to be picked up by the transport van in a few days. My ex came to collect her plants. We talked a bit. Me in heaving cries, and her in a slightly detached demeanor. I asked her how could she be so calm, and she told me that she deals with her grief through depression.
It took me quite some time an a "midlife crisis" to realize (among a lot of things), why I had done that
Can I ask what it was for you? Why did you do it?
And only after that I could make peace with this decision of mine.
I hope you can make peace with your decision rather sooner than later.
I'm not sure I will ever move past this. I hurt a really good person. I mourn the children we will never have.
Thanks for the song btw, I cherish anything upbeat at the moment, even if the lyrics are sad.
Hi ~tetris, good to read, that you are alive! :)
Can I ask what it was for you?
Easy. The children question. While it is the most natural thing for a couple to have children, I could not really imagine such a future, at least not at the time. BUT --- I could not see this detail at the time we met. Oh well. I still do not have children. And I'm not going to try now :)
Of course, you and that nice lady will individually move on past this experience. It was not all bad, remember? It will take some time for the pain to ease. There are a lot of options offering themselves every day. The tricky part is to notice them, and then they are always like opening a new game of chess (or Go or whatever), the consequences being invisible at this moment. They might just as well be fantastic, mind you! Enjoy!
~bartender? You sure packed up that magic jar for ~tetris, did you? Good. And just coffee for me, thank you so much.