๐Ÿ‘ฝ darquedante

Learning Python:

I have started my adventure to get back into programming and decided to start with Python. I remember so little from my C++ class and writing game in basic on the c64 30+ years ago does not translate to Python. Learning as you get older does seems to be a little bit harder. I keep wanting the comprhension of it to come faster.

I set myself up to fail but jump to far forawd, trying the "dive in to the DEEP end" approach and that just does not seem to work for me anymore.

I know the meds are a large factor in it too and that makes it a tiny bit sad. I get such enjoyment out of using a computer to see the creation. I always start the same "Lets make a RPG".

10 months ago ยท ๐Ÿ‘ userfxnet


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2 Replies

๐Ÿ‘ฝ jose

(sorry - ran out of character space) ....In my juvenille head, I thought you had to be a genius in order to compete with all those other kids out there, who happened to be hacking computers in their diapers. Oh, well. Here's me blaming a movie for my life choices. At least, this can just be a hobby now -- without the added pressure of needing to put something profitable out there. ยท 10 months ago

๐Ÿ‘ฝ jose

I, too, am on a learning adventure. For me it's learning html, css, and hopefully in a month javascript. Python is on my bucket list, but it'll have to wait as I'm also diving into linux and this gemini space. It is harder for me to pick up this stuff, compared to when I was a teenager learning basic. I have to try different tactics, like learning in smaller bites, in order for anything to stick to my head. I wish I had gone this route a long time ago, but that damn Hacker movie, with Angelina Jolie, discouraged me from trying to persue a career in this field. ยท 10 months ago