Folks! Today is a great day! I won a 3 year lasting court case!! Against the holy german reich! Without lawyer, defending myself! Such a good feeling xD
8 months ago 路 馃憤 astroseneca, fripster, falschdenker, gyaradong, cobradile94, danrl
ah, the stupid gun laws in germany. a relict from the nazis who didn鈥檛 want the population to be able to fight back (not that they did much). it is so fucking stupid and restrictive that most people own their guns illegally (over 20m in a country of 80-something million people) lol. just happy i left that stupidity behind.
congrats for winning that case. and fuck them a thousand times for what they did. can you sue them for any damages? 路 8 months ago
in the end, they asked me if i would not better let them keep them that pepper gun because it would be better for me. me just, wtf? i own it legaly, did noting wrong. and you want to give me that ting to you for free? gfto! 路 8 months ago
@danrl @martin you can't imagine my stasifaction... after three years, i told'em you're wrong, NOOOO YOU ARE GUILTY!! never, i got papers for that device... and in the end.... i walked out of the court, as a free man just obeying the law, had to pay no money cos i am a law abiding citizen. just in your face! 路 8 months ago
owning a weapon. but well, the item we talking about is no weapon xD the Piexon JPX peppergun isn't even declared as a fake weapon in germany. it is legal to own and carry... 路 8 months ago
yeah! what was it about and how did the state overreach, as it so often does? 路 8 months ago
Jawohl! 路 8 months ago
Wow, gut gemacht! 路 8 months ago