Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Component File Functions

Component File Functions


⎕FAPPEND Append component to file
⎕FCREATE Create a new component file
⎕FCSIZE Read component size information
⎕FDELETE Delete component from file
⎕FDROP Drop components from start or end of file
⎕FDUP Duplicate component file, reclaiming wasted space
⎕FERASE Erase component file
⎕FERROR Return operating-system error
⎕FHOLD Hold/Release component files for exclusive access
⎕FLIB Return names of component files in directory
⎕FNAMES Return names of currently-tied files
⎕FNUMS Return tie numbers in use
⎕FRDAC Read component-file access matrix
⎕FRDCI Read component information
⎕FRDFI Read file information
⎕FREAD Read component
⎕FRENAME Rename component file
⎕FREPLACE Replace existing component
⎕FRESIZE Set maximum file size
⎕FSIZE Read file-size and component-range information
⎕FSTAC Set component-file access matrix
⎕FSTIE Tie file for shared use
⎕FTIE Tie file for exclusive use
⎕FUNTIE Untie file(s)
⎕FWRITE Append, replace or insert component

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Component File Functions