Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Commands

System Commands


)CLASSES List user-defined classes
)CLEAR Clear workspace
)CONTINUE Save and exit
)COPY Copy workspace
)CS Compatibility
)DIGITS Print precision
)DISPLAY Display array structure
)DROP Drop workspace
)EDIT Edit fn/op/var
)ERASE Erase objects
)FNS List functions
)GROUP Create group
)GRP List items in group
)GRPS List groups
)HOST Execute operating-system command
)IN Import transfer file
)LIB List library
)LOAD Load workspace
)NMS List names & types
)OPS List operators
)OFF Exit from APL
)ORIGIN Index origin
)OUT Export to transfer file
)PCOPY Protected copy
)REPARENT Reparent Class
)RESET Clear state indicator
)SAVE Save workspace
)SCOPY Silent copy
)SDROP Silent drop
)SI Display state indicator
)SIC Clear State Indicator
)SICL Clear State Indicator
)SINL State indicator & names
)SIS Full state indicator
)SIV State indicator & names
)SLOAD Silent load
)SPCOPY Silent protected copy
)SSAVE Silent save
)SWSID Silent WS identify
)SYMBOLS Symbol table
)TABS Horizontal tabs
)TIME Display time/date
)VARS List variables
)WIDTH Print width
)WSID Workspace identification
)XLOAD Load WS & suppress ⎕LX

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : System Commands