Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Native File Functions

Native File Functions


Native File Concepts

See also

⎕NAPPEND Append data to file
⎕NCREATE Create file
⎕NERASE Erase file
⎕NERROR Get last file error
⎕NLOCK Lock/Unlock file
⎕NNAMES List names of tied files
⎕NNUMS List tie numbers
⎕NREAD Read data from file
⎕NRENAME Rename file
⎕NREPLACE Replace data in file
⎕NRESIZE Resize file
⎕NSIZE Get size of file
⎕NTIE Open file
⎕NUNTIE Close file
⎕NWRITE Write data to file

⎕EXPORT Export APL array to file in specified format
⎕IMPORT Import data from file in specified format

Topic: APLX Help : Help on APL language : Native File Functions