[2024-07-19T00:00:53Z] I tried to follow the official install instructions but upon reboot GRUB gets stuck at loading Linux. I'm not entirely sure what it takes to get KISS bootable as I have never built my own kernel before [2024-07-19T00:01:27Z] check framebuffer options in kernel [2024-07-19T00:02:19Z] try these: [2024-07-19T00:02:19Z] CONFIG_FB is on [2024-07-19T00:02:21Z] CONFIG_SYSFB [2024-07-19T00:02:33Z] CONFIG_SYSFB_SIMPLEFB [2024-07-19T00:03:04Z] CONFIG_DRM_FBDEV_EMULATION, CONFIG_FB, CONFIG_FB_VESA, CONFIG_FB_VGA16, CONFIG_FB_EFI, CONFIG_FB_CORE [2024-07-19T00:03:17Z] CONFIG_FB_NOTIFY, CONFIG_FB_DEVICE, CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE [2024-07-19T00:04:26Z] Thanks, I'll give that a try. Do I try enabling all of those at once? [2024-07-19T00:05:14Z] Lactose: https://kisscommunity.org/FAQ/#022 [2024-07-19T00:23:27Z] Lactose: I'm not sure which ones you actually need, that's just what worked for me. I think specifically CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE is the one that I was missing. If it doesn't work maybe fire up an Arch live iso and look at dmesg [2024-07-19T00:32:05Z] also this page might be useful for other hardware-specific issues: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Handbook:AMD64/Installation/Kernel/en#Alternative:_Manual_configuration