"We're capable of making this process easier for people. So much of what it takes to add content to a gemini capsule is things we can automate. So why don't we?"
2 years ago 路 馃憤 negepezzannyitfiam
Automation in my mind is determined by cost vs benefit. The end goal of automating any system is to reduce repetitive and laborous parts of work away from humans and towards specialized machines (or in software space, i suppose the equivalent is properly coded scripts) The cost almost always ends up being the raw price of materials used in the automation process like control circut components and the price of labor to get everything set up by engineers. Also an increase of overall complexity in a system, which means more moving parts and more areas prone to failure if not maintained. That said, some forms of work are easier for simple machines (or simple scripts) to do than others. 路 2 years ago
Yes, I cannot stand bugs. This is why I don't even automate moving electricity around. You never know when a chip might contain a bug.
I think the level of abstraction we are comfortable with is a subjective matter. I'm not going to go around telling people they *need* to live at the same level of abstraction as me. 路 2 years ago
That last comment was really funny. Let's see... What can I say? You show me your script and I'll show you mine? 馃檭 路 2 years ago
because automation is abstraction is error-prone and is documentation and is complexity. my work is complex enough. I prefer to keep it simple. unless you mean ftping files to a server and that's it 馃ぃ 路 2 years ago