Midnight Pub

magic programming



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~ew wrote (thread):

Hello ~commence2897 !

~bartender? Hot chocolate with spices, please! It's rather wet and windy outside ...

Well, I fully agree that a working program is "magic". And I happen to have written down a few lines about that magic elsewhere ... let's see, whether I can find it ... ah, here it is ... now let me translate this into a htttp link as well ... here we go:



Now, I will readily admit, that programming micro controllers has a considerable entry barrier, because you need quite a bit of stuff (cables! power supply!) and magic programs to make the whole thing come to life. I do have a collection of such controllers about the house, collecting temperatures and similar. Readings are transported (via mqtt) to a database (influx) where another pile of magic dust (grafana) will produce charts rendered by my web browser. This is a very high stack of things. The feeling is fantastic, once the first "dots" show up without you doing anything, and pressing "refresh" adds more dots later. And even my SO likes them charts :)


Ah, the "recent" thing ... well I picked this stuff up recently, and I'm in to process to add small radio modules to the mix. I can transmit, as the spectrum analyzer tells me, but I have not yet succeeded to get "information" across. I'll get there.

~m15o wrote:

wow this is great!!!! I just sent an email to get more info on the server. I like the simplicity.