< terminal applications


going all in on rss has been a ton of fun. I mostly read on my phone or ereader but newsboat is a reliable favorite.

yeah I feel that with vim, I could probably use it for the rest of my life and still feel like I am barely scratching the surface. been trying to use it without doing much research until ive identified something I want to try with it. Recently switched to neovim with fennel for my scripting language and conjure to evaluate parts of a script w/o the need to run the whole file.

I recommend toot if you are on mastodon as well for a nice tui experience, also spotify-tui if u have spotify premium.

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~jr wrote:

great recommendations! yeah i love toot, neovim, and spotify-tui. i absolutely love how terminal applications are designed. i wish everything i used (basically just messages after all of the previously mentioned stuff) was a cli/tui application. i love it way more than the web if i'm honest.