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Entwining here from two different posts.

Not really been much of anywhere. From memories garnered from others, been near everywhere.

As far as the web/internet goes, I started out on it around 1994 in earnest. When 13, back in the 1980s I did write a Basic program that used a modem, dialed to a then DARPA network, rebooted that network gracefully. Cannot remember one bloody line of it. *chuckles*

They had a consultant teaching us on Apple II E systems for the love of Mike. Really not much to do on those. I got bored, looked at various math, and gradually programming books. Brought stuff together. Shocked the old consultant, but he let me run the program after making a call. Did what the tin says.

Now, I don't find much use beside using par to format text at times, maybe pipe that into gvim/vim. Nope, not keen on Emacs anymore. Lisp started making me implode recursively. Oven in put head.

I'm sure you grep & grok those statements. Can assure, too, not anywhere near the point of giving up. Felt bleak for sure, working some out still, but now feeling a fair bit better.

I got another 12 - 15 before I can retire. I'm already tired, why do I want to go get tired again? ;) My wife bless her has told me I can do gravy train work for that time. She obviously sees how broke down I am. *smh* Wish she didn't. I'm Silly Man, invincible and impervious to pain, ha!

I used to work on farms, worked in poultry plants, worked at apple (the actual fruit) product place, helped build, plumb, wire structures. Done bits of carpentry, masonry, welding & metallurgy.

Remember when Jack of All Trades, Master of none, was complimentary? I do, still find it so. I wear a lot of hats without wearing any.

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