馃懡 five_over_four

I'm completely radicalised by AI "art": I will never accept it, and in fact fundamentally reject any product made with the help of it. You have given up any right to ever call yourself an artist by giving up your autonomy and pursuit of skillful perfection. Soon, I may begin to consider no longer consuming certain mediums made past year 202X if the trends don't change.

8 months ago 路 馃憤 rellwood, arkholt, cobradile94


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10 Replies

馃懡 rellwood

@five_over_four I think that's absolutely fine--if it's not your thing, don't use it. However, I'd argue that that doesn't justify rejecting work using AI that is created by others. It seems to me a bit like refusing to watch live-action movies because they aren't created frame-by-frame like animated movies. But that's all I have to say about it. You are most welcome to do as you please and have your own opinions. Happy new year! :) 路 7 months ago

馃懡 five_over_four

@rellwood I understand the argument, but if I'm not making the choices in my own art fully, and if it's not *hard*, I don't see a point. If there's something inside me that I need art to communicate, I won't allow anyone else to do it for me, even if it's less efficient, because I see art as much more than the end-product.

In the end, I want to be the best I can be at skills that I can do without computer aid, and that pursuit of skill is most of the point of art to me.

There's still people who refuse to use digital tools for their painting etc. So I can fit in somewhere in the middle. 路 7 months ago

馃懡 rellwood

People made similar complaints when photography was invented. Eventually, like photography, AI art will become normalized and will itself eventually become another new medium for human creativity.

There's no point in rejecting it because the genie is out of the bottle and is here to stay, for better or for worse. Better to embrace it and try to figure out ways to use it to enhance your own creativity. 路 7 months ago

馃懡 batudingin

a new era of art abundance or abandonned 路 7 months ago

馃懡 gyaradong

I think there are many lenses to look through for AI art. From an "art" perspective it's fine. It's basically the new photography. You could think of it as a labour saving device but art is not labour I the first place. You have hyperreal artists today which could be "replaced" with just a large print. It is nonsense to think of art this way. 路 7 months ago

馃懡 ruby_witch

I'm playing two gacha-type games right now. One of the games had its art completely AI-generated, and the other game was drawn by a human artist. I actually prefer the look of the AI-generated game.

My ex-partner is an artist, and thus most of my friends are artists. I go to a ton of art shows and events, and I understand that AI-generated art is going to have a huge, terrible impact on the ability of these people to be hired for projects.

However, in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing, AI-generated art can also be quite good. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 lykso

I don't think you can ever get rid of art in the sense of "communicating a complex thought to another human being." I do think that art forms will be "ruined" by one development or another, but I also think that this is just fundamentally part of the cycle of creation and destruction that has always been a part of things. Yes, we are going to be inundated with cheap, lazy, substandard visual art, and the people who never cared about the quality of their visual art will continue not to care, and those who cared most about art as a mode of expressing complexity will jump to other modes of expression. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 five_over_four

@lykso the first economic impact will be that 1 well-educated artist does the work of 10. then the amateur with no eye for art forsakes the pursuit of skill and produces a logo that has glaring issues, because they don't know better. the population gets used to this sloppiness. why care that the thumb is missing a joint and there are three suns in the image? no education in art as it's obsolete, but no one will have an eye for it, either.

philosophically, do we care about the thoughts of machines? a picture just for the sake of being pretty? the purpose of art here- communicating a complex thought of another human, is lost. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 lykso

I am less concerned with AI as a tool and more concerned with the socioeconomic structures surrounding it. E.g., if artists did not need to sell their labor in order to make a decent living, it would be (IMO) a more positive thing. I expect it could give rise to a respectable artistry of a less direct, more "meta" quality. (The artistry of AI model use is clearly not in the images and music they produce directly.) As it stands, though, its biggest impacts will likely be felt in how they are used to undermine livelihoods in a society without a decent safety net, and how it'll be used to further confuse people in a world already driven mad by misinformation. 路 8 months ago

馃懡 softwarepagan

100% same. AI destroys everything. It needs to be banned and burned to the ground. 路 8 months ago