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👽 danrl

👋 network engineer building an off-grid home and reconnecting with nature

🌍 earth

🗣 Followers 20 · Following 5 · Logs 193 · Docked 2 years ago



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👽 danrl

the universe is testing me again and again this week. so many fuckups, i hardly can repair them in time for the next one to appear. i underestimated how tough it is to survive an economic downturn. on the plus side, started strength training again to mitigate the stress. it works wonders! love it!

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 1 year ago

👽 danrl

you know that the attention machine is going full circle when someone uses a random generative ai extension for excel sheets, admits knowing nothing about the topic at hand and not being able to verify the results, then posts a catching video full of generated, unverified bs on tiktok where a (lemme check) self-proclaimed founder and vc and what not finds it, steals it, and uploads the content to linked in of all places for click farming. how is this not a hype cycle?

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 1 year ago

👽 danrl

took my solar panel, battery, and a coffee machine up to the mountains for a coffee break during storm damage cleanup work. to my surprise, the 120w rated panel delivered 114w peak. that is close to spec. expected much less. enjoy the video and the beautiful view (of nature, not me, lol): https://youtu.be/r_zeQVXpJVc

💬 7 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

my new project at work includes wading through tons of legacy config and code and clean it up. i actually like it. it’s a challenge and a mess, but super critical for our products. my wife and me moved to a new apartment which is smaller but quieter and sleep quality improved. still a lot of stress in our life but at least we are making progress.

💬 6 Replies · 6 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

nothing has been going to plan lately and it stresses me out. so much on the line. stupid past me, so bad at predicting the future. meh.

💬 6 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

saw a fighter jet take off up close. impressive.

💬 1 Reply · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

my morning commute often has me biking through a small forest-like stretch of trees where i regularly pass a woman greeting me with a wholehearted “good morning!” while she does her daily run. a mile or so further down, i pass by next to an airfield where the silicon valley billionaires commute in on monday mornings and out thursday afternoons via private jets passing right over my helmet. within that short distance my experience goes from down to earth regular folks to the most lavish lifestyle present on this amazing peninsula. love the spectrum! what a life!

💬 0 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

bought a second phone and removed all my work apps from my first phone. now it should be easier to „switch off“ on the weekends. let’s see.

💬 1 Reply · 3 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

recently i got some unexpected insights into a large corporation’s digital strategy and the execution thereof. it was a highly complex system of legacy and new services from a multitude of vendors. almost impossible to securely orchestrate let alone run to high reliability standards. some business are facing tough times modernizing their business and spending in the tens to hundreds of millions of dollars on service evolution is totally normal for them. it was a different world for me to see.

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

i saw air force one and the u.s. president shortly before he assessed the santa cruz storm damage and flooding. and then tina and i assessed our own storm damage on our property and started with the cleanup work. 15 minutes of video at https://youtu.be/fkIAMQKfuSA

💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

times are tough right now. a friend asked chatgpt to generate stoicism wisdom and shared it with me. lol. that made me laugh a little. counting the days to saturday when i will spend time in nature again. for recovery from stress.

💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

tough week.

💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

despite all the rain we recently got, or maybe because of it, we leveled our shipping container by placing it on used railroad ties. now the water can flow freely around it, less rust should build up, and it doesn’t feel like the sinking titanic when inside (it was that off!). my friend dima helped me pull this all off. he’s an example in strength and endurance. worked all day while soaking wet. https://youtu.be/IOkT0naqakw

💬 0 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

i’m part of the “sunset team” that is shutting down my employer’s cloud gaming product which my site reliability engineering team(s) supported. today we released an easter egg before we shut down for good next week. the community has been very supportive and i could not have wished for better users. a chapter ends and it hurts a little. products can be technically great and still fail in the market. an exercise in acceptance for me personally. gg.

💬 2 Replies · 4 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

an app disappeared from my phone’s home screen. i noticed b/c the layout changed. for two days i have been wondering which app it could have been that vanished. i still don’t know. i guess i (a) have to many apps installed in the first place and (b) that app was not really important enough to be on the prime real estate that the home screen is.

💬 2 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

a old and very good friend from school reached out after many years of mutual radio silence. it was good to reconnect. we quickly figured out that we have walked different paths yet arrived at similar places, just a ocean and a continent apart. some connections are so deep they can be revived within minutes despite spanning decades and vast distance. who would you like to see again that you haven’t in a while?

💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

we have acquired a used shipping container to store our gardening tools on our property. it is in surprisingly good shape. allegedly, it made just a single trip before it had to make room for even more containers arriving at port. global trade is wild. https://youtu.be/9vw6P2JzN20

💬 3 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

smth went wrong with the reporting of taxes withheld back when i lived in the uk. now hmrs (uk tax collector) wants a ridiculously large amount of money from me within a couple of days. very stressful. hopefully i can get the proofs i need to avoid that. b/c i paid my taxes and then some. time waste. but a good opportunity to test my zen.

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

can highly recommend avatar 2 in 3d. great cgi, astounding shots, interesting sky people (future humans) tech like a maglev and a giant sea animal hunting boat. james cameron really did make great use of the new sony detachable sensors and incorporating his years long camera research. 3d is not dead. and i love it. story also pretty good albeit a bit hollowoody, naturally.

💬 0 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

winter time at stardust lane: a tree fell down and we had to clear the road (once again) https://youtu.be/uMJogV6jyLs (please like and subscribe, haha, thx)

💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

i need to transport some building material but my car is too small. this annoys me. i might need to make invest in a trailer which i try to avoid. renting is prohibitively expensive given how often i will need to haul lumber and other stuff. some days i feel very resource constrained and that holds me back with big ideas.

💬 1 Reply · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

we now have a storage container. still ten years away from a house but this feels like progress. and my biggest xmas gift box ever. 🎁 🫙

💬 0 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

doing controlled burns on our property. it is fun. roasted potatoes and veggies for lunch. sunshine. silence. recharge time.

💬 2 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

today’s mood: full on christmas 🤶 🎄 best time of the year

💬 1 Reply · 6 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

the year is approaching its quieter time. i have a important milestone at work coming up, much like an exam, and i need to ramp up my prep if i wanna make it through. on my mountain property i will receive a shipping container next week to serve a storage. exciting, given the road conditions at this time of the year. one more week to go and then it all slows down. 🎄

💬 2 Replies · 0 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

i ran out of disk space. the action cameras produce so much data even though i am only using 1080p instead of 4k. so i bought an external hard drive to cope with the influx of footage every week. in other news: my new video has received over 200 views. i‘m surprised so many people are interested in our journey towards a off grid home in nature. https://youtu.be/LySaNbzFOKY (wood splitting in the rain)

💬 4 Replies · 1 Thumb · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

it all started with me sharing my nature weekends and property cleanup videos with family and friends. now it is my new hobby: taping and scrappy video cutting. no aspiration to be perfect, just for fun.

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

don't have a fancy battery to store excess solar power but i have dead trees and scrap lumber. so i built myself an eco friendly solar heat energy storage solution. in less fancy terms: another day on our property. i built a firewood rack :) https://youtu.be/Qo9kzAlLmJA

💬 1 Reply · 4 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

on the weekend i build a sawhorse (aka sawbuck) so we can cut firewood. so many dead trees on our property, turning them into firewood for cozy evenings down the road. https://youtu.be/xaWsbzmvEkY

💬 0 Replies · 3 Thumbs · 2 years ago

👽 danrl

turns out, the wife is a great tree cutter. she roamed our property and identified dead trees, cut them into smaller pieces, hauled them to our sawhorse, and made firewood. i was busy building a large wood rack to stack the influx of material. now she is tired :)

💬 0 Replies · 2 Thumbs · 2 years ago

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