Merry Christmas!

Hey Gemini! Merry Christmas! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season (though it's not really over until Theophany.) I feel fortunate to have been invited by my classmate to celebrate with his family. They are lovely people, and I hope someday they can visit my house.

I've been hanging out at home after the trip. Not much to report, really. The uni's closed for the holidays, and I don't have a lot to do here—so I have to make something to do. Maybe I'll take a trip to that yland or downtown. I'm working on a conlang that yoinks a bunch of stuff from Elamite. I have some noun classes ready, but I need to work on phonology and syntax for it.

I've been a little sick from a sinus infection. It's something I've handled before, so it's more annoying than anything.

Mi pripensis mian revenon hejmlanden kaj mi certemis ke, mi ne estos tro malfeliĉa kiam mi eliras tion landon aŭ apartamenton. Mi antaŭvidas dolĉamaran senton. Ja ĝin mi manketigos, tamen mi volas uzi bone ĉi-sperton. La program' estis malorda, ktp ktp.

Dum la pasinta vojaĝeto ĉe kafejo, amiko demandis min: Kio estis via plej malŝatata sperto en ĉi-lando? Mi respondis: Iam ĉi-tie, ŝajnas ke iuj aferoj funkcias kaj aliaj aferoj ne, kaj la aferoj funkcitaj ŝanĝas ĉiutage. Li al mi diris ion kiel: jes prave, la publikasektoro estas pli malfunkcia ol la privatasektoro. Ŝajne, mia kvarsemajna atendado por identiga karto el l'universitato ne estis neefika sed normala. Do, ĉio ekvilibriĝas.

I was given a ton of oranges after Liturgy on Tuesday, and I don't know what I'm going to do with them. They're a little small and sour, so good for juice and less good for eating. Evidente, mi devus aĉeti elsukilon aŭ lerni, kiel fari sukon kun forko!

Classes begin again after the 7th of January. I'm enjoying the time off, but I'll be happy to see some friends again.

Anyway, I'll write more soon. ttyl!

When the King was born in Bethlehem, the Magi came from the east. Having been guided by the star on high, they brought Him gifts. But in his exceeding wrath, Herod mowed down the infants as wheat; lamenting that the rule of his kingdom had come to an end.

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