Mandelbrot Fractal Viewer for terminals

mandelbrot.tar.gz - precompiled


An old version, in Pascal:


A version programmed in x86 assembly:



MANDEL checks CPU type, it needs be at least INTEL 80386+80387 (the INTEL 80486 has an integrated FPU).

It renders animations in MCGA 320x200 256 colors, the color palette comes from a PCX image created with Deluxe Paint.

MANDEL supports PCX image file format.

The FPU is used to compute the pixels in the mandelbrot set (instructions starting with F...).

The images are compressed using an RLE algorithm (run length encoding) into .anm files.

XMS memory (higher the 1MB) is used to save the images in RAM before saving to disk with DOS (int 21h).