At last! A short travel day, a motel that provides computers with internet access for their guests, and a quiet time to sit and compose... I have a hope of completing an entry here.
We left Delta, Utah this morning and arrived here in Tonopah, Nevada at about 14:00. Today's driving was over routes that we've travelled several times before so there wasn't much that was new and exciting to us -- plus US Highway 50 and US Highway 6 across central Utah and central Nevada are among our least-favored drives. There are some interesting things along those routes; but neither of us is a great fan of the desert, and that is the predominant feature of the landscape here.
I broke the rules a little bit this afternoon: I actually stopped the car and got out to take some pictures. It was a black-rock lava flow along US Highway 6, about an hour east of Tonopah. But I really needed to get out of the car and move around a bit -- I didn't stop just to take pictures.
When I get home, I am hoping to add some new sections here. Watch for "Roads Worth Driving" and "Highway Hypnosis" and perhaps a bit about men versus women or the spirit of the West.
By the way, I've added a link to the entry for 2003-09-01 (below) -- it seems that we managed to include several of the U.S. National Scenic Byways in our itinerary without even realizing that such a program exists. I'll concur with their selections; having travelled much of the American West I've driven many of the routes they've included as well as many that weren't. They've got many of the best ones (and there are some that I won't recommend because part of their allure -- for me, at least -- is their obscurity).
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📅 c: 2003-09-13 17:13 ✏️ e:
tags: #travel #desert #highways