'A very enjoyable day': 1,111 dogs attend annual Limerick Dog Show

Abigail Hayden, 24 Aug

OVER a thousand dogs, their owners, and a variety of dog-lovers,

attended the annual Limerick Dog Show.

In its 93rd year, the show had a bustling crowd, undeterred by the

gloomy rain clouds looming above.

READ MORE: PICTURES: Cappamore Show 'humbled' by positive feedback from


The dog show, run by Limerick and District Canine Club (LDCC), is a

highly-anticipated event for dogs and humans alike.

'Paws' to watch the video above to hear this year's attendees,

breeders, and the chairperson of the LDCC, Anthony Kelly, talk about

their love for dogs, their enjoyment of the day, and the stories of how

they joined the dog show world.