Created: 2022-08-01 Copyright: CC-BY-SA 4.0 Language: en
My main terminal was suckless st. It was fast and already configured for my needs. I was using it for several years. Before I was stick to urxvt for many years, too. But I couldn't fix simple url clicking and browsing in history in st, so I decided to give a try to alacritty terminal.
It was fast and had suitable configuration for me. With some minor tweaks I got the same result as with st but also possibility to click on urls and simply navigate in history.
The only disapointment was the font size when I switch from dual montiro to mono. Alacritty has some super druper engine to detect DPI and according to it change font size. Some guys wrote that on Wayland server it works great but I use X11 and I got some hudge fonts.
One day it became a problem for me so I decided to find how to fix it. And here we go.
In configuration file `~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml` you need to add in `env` section
This will prevent ratio in X11 server and you will get same font size all the time.
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