there's this thing called "draw calls" that it is best to minimize when making 3d shit.
I haven't figured out exactly how to minimize these properly.
it was annoying trying to figure out how to even see how many.
I am currently checking how many by going into some world on
and then dragging and dropping my avatar into it.
side note. since I don't use a graphical file manager, I had to find some way of dragging and dropping a file into my browser window.
for this I'm using some random thing I found on the internet called dragon and I probably should have read its source code before using it.
I need to figure out why bash doesn't autocomplete filenames for dragon... really annoying.
So drag your avatar in, then click the circle on the top-right of the "window" that pops up.
in my unoptimized avatar, it is a red circle. after clicking it gives some handy info.
file size, triangles, draw calls, bones, and bounds.
I don't know why it is saying it has zero bones.
Found this when trying to figure out how to lower the amount of draw calls in my avatar.
Took me longer than it should have to figure out this:
go into edit mode.. select all your faces, then use the Mesh->Sort Elements->Material
So I opened blender, went into edit mode, did "select all" and the Mesh menu was nowhere to be found.
eventually I figured out I needed to go into object mode, then select a piece of mesh.
When I had opened the file, a bone was selected.
after selecting the mesh and going back into edit mode, the mesh menu was kind of obvious.
So the exact steps I've been doing:
1. object mode.
2. click on the head flesh.
3. select all.
4. edit mode.
5. select all.
6. mesh -> sort elements -> material
but this doesn't seem to work right because I expect I need to have all of the pieces use the same single material
and for some reason selecting all of the pieces at once and setting a material doesn't work how I'd hope.