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|_|    |_|_| |_|\__,_|_|     |____/ \___/|___/___/\___||___/

Open Source Games with Final Bosses


A lot of games from my childhood had very memorable final bosses, but

open source games rarely do.

What's an "open source" game?

"Open source" games includes games with any FSF-approved license, any DFSG license, any OSI-approved license, as

well as any Creative Commons licenses except for no-derivative. Note that both the game

engine and game assets must be open.

What's a "notable" game?

I can't list every two-line Github repository, but I want to cast a wide net. A game can qualify as notable if it satisfies ANY of the following conditions:

"Major" human-curated repositories of foss packages include, but are not limited to:

Inclusion on Google Play or Itch does NOT automatically make a game notable,

because a game can get onto one of those stores without a human reviewing it

for either openness and quality. A game on Google Play or Itch could still qualify for notability in other ways.

I'm not going to attempt to define what a "final boss" is.

Game Title..............Flathub..................................Repology...................Debian..............F-Droid..................................Final Boss
Battle for Wesnoth......org.wesnoth.Wesnoth......................wesnoth....................wesnoth.............wesnoth.it.alessandropira.wesnoth114.....Each campaign has a separate final boss
Flare: Empyrean.........org.flarerpg.Flare.......................flare-rpg..................flare-game..........None.....................................Lezaith
Freedoom: Phase 2.......io.github.freedoom.Phase2................freedoom...................freedoom............net.nullsum.freedoom.....................Icon of Sin
Nethack.................None.....................................Nethack....................nethack-console.....None.....................................Death, Famine, and Pestilence
Slashem.................None.....................................slashem....................slashem.............None.....................................Death, Famine, and Pestilence
Seahorse Adventures.....org.imitationpickles.barbie..............barbie-seahorse-adventures.seahorse-adventures.None.....................................Boss
Shattered Pixel Dungeon.com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.shattered-pixel-dungeon....None................com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon.Yog-Dzewa
Project: Starfighter....io.github.pr_starfighter.starfighter.....starfighter................starfighter.........None.....................................Kline
Xeonjia: Ice Adventures.None.....................................None.......................None................xyz.deepdaikon.xeonjia...................The King of Evil


If you have feedback about this list, my contact information is on the main page of this capsule.



2024-08-23: Add Project:Starfighter

2024-08-02: Add Lugaru, thanks to @cnx@awkward.place

2024-07-27: Publish initial version with 11 games