Getting Started

Small session in radare2 debugger

- `r2 -d /bin/ls`: Opens radare2 with file `/bin/ls` in debugger mode using the radare2 native debugger, but does not run the program. You’ll see a prompt (radare2) - all examples are from this prompt.

- `db flag`: place a breakpoint at flag, where flag can be either an address or a function name

- `db - flag`: remove the breakpoint at flag, where flag can be either an address or a function name

- `db`: show list of breakpoint

- `dc`: run the program

- `dr`: Show registers state

- `drr`: Show registers references (telescoping) (like peda)

- `ds`: Step into instruction

- `dso`: Step over instruction

- `dbt`: Display backtrace

- `dm`: Show memory maps

- `dk <signal>`: Send KILL signal to child

- `ood`: reopen in debug mode

- `ood arg1 arg2`: reopen in debug mode with arg1 and arg2