Authors And Contributors
This book wouldn't be possible without the help of a large list of contributors who have been reviewing, writing and reporting bugs and stuff in the radare2 project as well as in this book.
The radare2 book
The original radare book[1] was written by pancake, the work towards syncing it with the latest radare2 was started by Maijin, nowadays this book is mainly maintained by pancake again and updated in a collaborative way by the community.
1: radare book
Many thanks to everyone who have contributed to this book.
$ git log | grep ^Author | cut -d ':' -f 2- | cut -d '<' -f 1 | sort -u |xargs echo '* '
- 7flying
- Adrian Studer
- Agustín Dall'Alba
- Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-MAwgood
- Akshay Krishnan R
- Ali Raheem
- Andrew Hoog
- Anton Kochkov
- Antonio Sánchez
- Apkunpacker
- Aswin
- Aswin C
- Austin Hartzheim
- Bob131
- Braiden Kindt
- Connor Armand Du Plooy
- Cyrill Leutwiler
- DZ_ruyk * David Tomaschik * Deepak Chethan * Dennis Goodlett * Dennis van der Schagt * Dāvis * Enshin Andrey * Eric * Evgeny Cherkashin * Fangrui Song * Francesco Tamagni * FreeArtMan * Gerardo García Peña * Giovanni * Giovanni Dante Grazioli * Giuseppe * Grigory Rechistov * GustavoLCR * Heersin * Hui Peng * ITAYC0HEN * Itay Cohen * Jacob Rosenthal * Jeffrey Crowell * John * Judge Dredd (key 6E23685A) * Jupiter * Jürgen Hötzel * Kali Kaneko * Kevin Grandemange * Kevin Laeufer * LGTM Migrator * Lazula * Lev Aronsky * Liumeo * Luca Di Bartolomeo * Lukas Dresel * Maijin * Martin Brunner * Michael Scherer * Michele * Mike * Nikita Abdullin * Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou * Pau RE * Paul * Paweł Łukasik * Peter C * Rafael Rivera * RandomLive * Ren Kimura * Reto Schneider * Riccardo Schirone * Roman Valls Guimera * Ryan Geary * SchumBlubBlub * SkUaTeR * Solomon * Sophie Chen * Srimanta Barua * Sushant Dinesh * Sylvain Pelissier * TDKPS * Thanat0s * Tomasz Różański * Vanellope * Vasilij Schneidermann * Vex Woo * Vitaly Bogdanov * Vorlent * XYlearn * Yuri Slobodyanyuk * Zelalem Mekonnen * Zi Fan * adwait1-g * aemmitt-ns * ali * aoighost * ayedaemon * ckanibal * condret * dependabot[bot] * dodococo * dreamist * gogo * gogo2464 * grepharder * h0pp * hdznrrd * hmht * ivan tkachenko * izhuer * jvoisin * karliss * kij * krmpotic * leongross * lowsec * madblobfish * meowmeowxw * mrmacete * ms111ds * muzlightbeer * officialcjunior * pancake * pickDefault * polym (Tim) * puddl3glum * ratijas * sghctoma * shakreiner * sivaramaaa * taiyu * tick * vane11ope * xarkes * xunoaib * yep * yossizap * yurayake * Óscar Carrasco * Florian Best