
1: Introduction

1: History

2: Toolchain

3: User Interface

4: r2con

5: Contribute

6: Installation

7: Downloading radare2

8: Compilation and Portability

9: Compilation on Windows

10: Compilation on Android

11: Troubleshooting

1: First Steps

2: Commandline Flags

3: Command Syntax

4: Expressions

5: Basic Debugger Session

6: Programs

7: Rax2

8: Rafind2

9: Rarun2

10: r2pm

11: Rabin2

12: File Types

13: Entrypoint

14: Imports

15: Exports

16: Symbols

17: Debug Symbols

18: Libraries

19: Strings

20: Sections

21: Radiff2

22: Binary Diffing

23: Rasm2

24: Assemble

25: Disassemble

26: Configuration

27: Ragg2

28: Language

29: Encoders

30: Padding

31: Rahash2

32: Rahash Tool

33: Configuration

34: Files

35: Colors

36: Settings

37: IO

38: Commandline

39: Dietline

40: Seeking

41: Block Size

42: Sections

43: Mapping Files

44: Print Modes

45: Flags

46: Write

47: Zoom

48: Yank/Paste

49: Comparing Bytes

50: Watching for Changes

51: SDB

52: Visual mode

53: Visual Disassembly

54: Visual Assembler

55: Visual Configuration Editor

56: Visual Menus

57: Visual Panels

58: Searching data

59: Basic Searches

60: Configurating the Search

61: Pattern Search

62: Automation

63: Backward Search

64: Search in Assembly

65: Cryptographic Materials

66: Disassembling

67: Decompilers

68: Metadata

69: Architectures

70: Notes on 8051

71: Analysis

72: Code Analysis

73: Variables

74: Types

75: Calling Conventions

76: Virtual Tables

77: Syscalls

78: Signatures

79: Graph commands

80: Emulation

81: Introduction to ESIL

82: Computed Analysis

83: Scripting

84: R2JS

85: Loops

86: Macros

87: R2pipe

88: R2pipe2

89: Debugger

90: Getting Started

91: IDA, GDB or WinDBG

92: Registers

93: Memory Maps

94: Heap

95: Signals

96: Files

97: Reverse Debugging

98: Windows Messages

99: Remote Access

100: Remote GDB

101: Remote WinDbg

102: Plugins

103: IO plugins

104: Asm plugins

105: Analysis plugins

106: Bin plugins

107: Charset plugins

108: R2JS plugins

109: Python plugins

110: Other plugins

111: Troubleshooting

112: Testing

113: Packaging

114: R2Frida

115: First Steps

116: Crackmes

117: IOLI

118: IOLI 0x00

119: IOLI 0x01

120: IOLI 0x02

121: IOLI 0x03

122: IOLI 0x04

123: IOLI 0x05

124: IOLI 0x06

125: IOLI 0x07

126: IOLI 0x08

127: IOLI 0x09

128: Avatao R3v3rs3 4

129: Using r2

130: First Steps

131: Main

132: The VM loop

133: Instruction Set

135: Outro

136: R2Wars

137: Reference Card

138: Acknowledgments