mud rebuild order

I’m going to try destroying/recreating the database between dev testing and actually playing.

Some stuff I will likely need to do…

evennia stop
rm evennia.db3
evennia migrate
# load something via evennia xyzgrid add module-name-here
evennia xyzgrid init # forgetting this results in corrupted mapdata (no .items on str)
evennit start # without this the spawn will typically fail for obscure reasons
evennia xyzgrid spawn

To load the example map:

evennia xyzgrid add evennia.contrib.grid.xyzgrid.example

Some errors I hit…

Map data was corrupted, was getting no items on str Maybe forgot to call init that time?

Import was failing, but it wasn’t obvious, created a test to try to import it and found the issues.

If some other game aspect has broken things (for example, modifying the base character class in a fashion that new characters cannot be created) then the spawn will fail with a very non-obvious reason complaining about a random room.






updated: 2024-01-07 11:24:54

generated: 2024-08-16