Posted on 2024-07-03
I know the trendy thing to say is "it's been a minute", but it's been several thousand minutes since my last blog post. So let's fix that!
I'm still doing a show on aNONradio, although I took a break for a while after burning out. I'm still in the Friday 0000Z time slot, doing an eclectic format I call "Objects in Mirrors." I switch it up a bit from week to week to avoid that burnout. It's continued to be fun. I might try simulcasting the show to tilderadio again, in hopes of reaching a few more people. The audience is almost entirely on aNONradio at this point, though.
Since my last post, I became a licensed ham radio operator. I passed the Technician level in November last year, and by March I made it all the way to Extra. I'm having fun on local repeaters and putting together an HF rig, which I will mostly use for things like POTA since I live in a small apartment with very limited antenna options. If you hear KQ4MII calling CQ, that's me!
I had to say goodbye to my beloved dog Archie last fall. He had not been doing well since our move to Virginia, and the vet and I agreed it was time. But he lived to be 13 years old, a good long life for a dog of his genetic makeup, and he left me and my family with many great memories. He was definitely a good boy. I'm not ruling out getting another dog in the future, but for now I'm enjoying not having to care for one; Archie required a lot of attention in his last years, and I've earned a break from all that.
You can still find me around and IRC. There are "social media" links on the front page of this site.
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