I put a silicone “peanut butter cup” mold in the freezer before starting.
I heated the cocoa butter in my glass measuring cup with the double boiler technique to liquefy it, which let me control the portion size better. I added the cocoa powder, stirred that until it was fully dissolved, split the liquid in two portions of 1/3 and 2/3. Added the sweetener to the 2/3 portion.
I made rows of nuts and berries in various configurations in a “peanut butter cup mold” and then poured the chocolate over top of it. I put this back in the freezer for about 20 minutes before I started eating them.
This was only so/so. I liked the unsweetened chocolate plus blueberries in a cup the best. Followed by sweetened chocolate over macadamia nuts, and last was the sweetened mix of chocolate, nuts, and berries.
It’s a solid at room temperature but I wasn’t sure if the sweetener would separate out before it had a chance to harden. Even so, the sweetener pooled at the bottom of the cups.
2024-02-03 - foods that are safe for me to eat
updated: 2024-02-03 09:44:49
generated: 2024-08-16