I have been appallingly bored of late. I'm also struggling to actually act on it - I feel as though I don't have the spoons I need to do much more than sit and play solitaire. It's not that I don't have project ideas - I do - but I just don't have the motivation to follow through.
took a small breather today, though, and went to the park. It's a sunny 71F today, so it was a beautiful day for it. I sent a message to a friend to try and get started organizing something with her, maybe going to a pride event together. I wrote a little journal entry. And I did a little free-write about the same friend and I trip I took to see her last year, that I'm hoping to mine for lyrical content for a song I'd like to write about the trip. It was nice to simply be outside for a while.
I had a thought while I was out there that it would be funny, if I ever do actually make a game, to have a character who leans on the fourth wall with some religious beliefs about their creator, she-who-touches-grass. I know its probably been done, but whatever.
I saw I hadn't gemlogged in a minute and wanted to ramble.