False Cognates

│  Word         │ Meaning               │ NOT ! ! !                         │
│ Actual        │ Current, present      │ Real, factual                     │
│ Advertencia   │ Warning, notice       │ Advertisement, commercial         │
│ Asistir       │ To attend (an event)  │ To assist                         │
│ Atender       │ To assist, look after │ To attend                         │
│ Avisar        │ To warn, inform       │ To advise, recommend              │
│ Bizarro       │ Brave, gallant        │ Weird                             │
│ Carpeta       │ Folder, file          │ Carpet, floor covering            │
│ Constipado    │ Having a cold         │ Constipated, unable to defecate   │
│ Concurso      │ A contest, competition│ Cpncourse, open space             │
│ Contestar     │ To answer, respond    │ Contest, a competition            │
│ Cualidad      │ Characteristic        │ Quality as level of excellence    │
│ Decepción     │ Disappointment        │ Deception, trickery               │
│ Delito        │ Crime                 │ Delight                           │
│ Despertar     │ To wake up            │ Desperate, without hope           │
│ Embarazada    │ Pregnant              │ Embarrassed, ashamed              │
│ Estreñido     │ Constipated           │ Estranged                         │
│ Evento        │ Major event           │ Event, any occurrence             │
│ Éxito         │ Success               │ Exit, way out                     │
│ Fábrica       │ Factory               │ Fabric, material                  │
│ Firma         │ Signature             │ Firm, company                     │
│ Ganga         │ Bargain, deal         │ Gang, group of criminals          │
│ Grosería      │ Rudeness              │ Grocery store                     │
│ Introducir    │ To insert             │ To introduce, present             │
│ Largo         │ Long                  │ Large                             │
│ Lectura       │ Reading               │ Lecture, a talk or speech         │
│ Librería      │ Bookstore             │ Library, place with books         │
│ Mayor         │ Older, higher in rank │ Mayor (head of a city)            │
│ Molestar      │ To bother, annoy      │ To harass, abuse                  │
│ Parientes     │ Relatives             │ Parents, mother and father        │
│ Realizar      │ To achieve, carry out │ To realize, understand            │
│ Ropa          │ Clothes               │ Rope, thick cord                  │
│ Sensible      │ Sensitive             │ Sensible, practical or reasonable │
│ Sopa          │ Soup                  │ Soap, cleaning substance          │
│ Suceso        │ Event, incident       │ Success, achievement              │