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Welcome to Goodspeed34's gemini capsule!
For now, I'm a 17-year-old high school student living in China.
- E-mail: goodspeed at anche period no
- XMPP: gs at goodspeed period asia
I like these things:
- programming
- retro computing
- free software movement
And I'm using these programming languages:
- C (Not C++, still learning)
- Perl
- Python
- JavaScript (Mainly used in Node.js)
Btw, here is a song.
See the catalogues
- [2022-05-07 May] <A small problem in infosec - SSL/TLS Connection Capture>
- [2022-03-22 Tue] <Writing a simple keyboard logger in C (For Linux Kernel)>
- [2022-03-18 Fri] <Rsync authentication failure even the password's correct>
- [2022-03-17 Thu] <The first look at gemini space>
A small problem in infosec - SSL/TLS Connection Capture
Writing a simple keyboard logger in C (For Linux Kernel)
Rsync authentication failure even the password's correct
The first look at gemini space