Path: news1.icaen!!!!!!!!!!!!!swbell!not-for-mail From: Rubywand Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2 Subject: Re: Reading Prodos Blocks from Applesoft Date: Mon, 04 May 1998 06:51:14 -0500 Organization: Southwestern Bell Internet Services, Richardson, TX Lines: 65 Message-ID: <> References: <6ijgsf$jsp$> Reply-To: NNTP-Posting-Host: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Trace: (null) 894282069 9799 (None) X-Complaints-To: usenet@nnrp3 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; I) Xref: news1.icaen comp.sys.apple2:133334 writes ... > > Does know where I could find or how I would go about creating an > applesoft program that can read a single prodos block from disk into > memory? > .... After booting ProDOS, you can do a CALL-151 to enter the monitor and type in ... 300: 4C 09 03 03 60 00 20 00 00 20 00 BF 80 03 03 85 FF 60 Do a CTRL-C to get back to the Applesoft prompt and enter ... BSAVE PROZAP.BIN,A$300,L$20 The routine does a ProDOS Machine Language Interface CALL which reads the block into $2000-$21FF. It saves the Error# in $FF. 300: 4C 09 03 start 303: 03 3 parms in this parms block 304: 60 unit # DSSS0000 Drv 1 (D=0) Slot 6 (SSS=110) 305: 00 20 buffer start 307: 00 00 block # Low, High ex: block 256 is 307: 00 01 309: 20 00 BF JSR to do MLI command 30C: 80 command (80 for READ BLOCK; 81 for WRITE BLOCK) 30D: 03 03 loc of parms block 30F: 85 FF save error # (00= no error) 311: 60 exit A BASIC program could use the routine by POKE-ing the block # into $307,$308 (775 and 776 in decimal) and doing a CALL768. The MLI command code is POKEd into $30C (780). If a PEEK at address $FF (255) gives a result of zero, there is no error. 100 LOMEM: 8704 105 REM Sets start of var space above $2000-$21FF buffer 110 TEXT: HOME: PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD PROZAP.BIN" 115 B= 2 120 REM Sets block to read/write (block 2) 125 C= 128 130 REM Sets MLI READ command ($80); MLI WRITE is 129 ($81) 135 BH= INT(B/256): BL= INT (B-256*BH) 140 POKE 775,BL: POKE 776,BH 145 REM POKEs block to read/write 150 POKE 780, C 155 REM POKEs MLI command 160 CALL 768 165 REM Does the block read/write 170 PRINT "BLOCK ";B 175 E= PEEK(255) 180 REM E= error number 185 IF E<1 THEN 195 190 PRINT "ERROR ";E;"!";CHR$(7) 195 END After running the program for a BLOCK READ, the block contents should be at $2000-21FF. Rubywand