👽 hedy

jekyll is dying? :o


2 years ago




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6 Replies

👽 gnuserland

@hedy I decided to be a Gemini-only author. 😎 · 2 years ago

👽 hedy

@anthyllis I *enjoyed* using gatsby too :D that was like a year a two back... didn't get anything done past the starter guides. I use hugo now · 2 years ago

👽 hedy

@gnuserland yes hugo can be complicated but it's still quite fast. For people looking for something minimal there's kiln (kiln.adnano.co) it also supports gemini · 2 years ago

👽 anthyllis

I've enjoyed using Gatsby but that might not be a popular opinion here, haha... · 2 years ago

👽 gnuserland

@maria Hugo borne as minimalist and fast static website generator and became a complicated thing in a snap.

I hadn't in time to finish ready the first wiki section that were released three major version and you needed to be a NASA expert to follow reading the other sections of the wiki... 🤦‍♂️ · 2 years ago

👽 maria

maybe it's feature complete... how much development does a static generator need 🤣 · 2 years ago