Crowdfunding in America - End of the peer show

2013-06-05 12:59:16

Peer-to-peer lending needs a new name

Jun 1st 2013 | San Francisco |From the print edition

FINANCE is seldom romantic. But the idea of peer-to-peer lending comes close. This is an industry that brings together individual savers and lenders on online platforms. Those that want to borrow are matched with those that want to lend. Banks and credit-card firms are kept out of the picture. Talk to enough people in the field and someone is bound to mention the democratisation of finance .

But as the industry matures, it is moving away from its roots of relying on individual lenders alone for its supply of capital. Institutional money is flowing onto the platforms as well. That is particularly true in America partly because money managers there are more used to investing in credit, partly because retail investors have more regulatory hoops to jump through.

The two biggest lending platforms in America are Lending Club and Prosper, both based in San Francisco. Lending Club is the industry s leading light. It was set up in 2007 by Renaud Laplanche, a Frenchman who previously founded a software firm that was acquired by Oracle. The bulk of its lending is for debt consolidation by credit-card borrowers. With no legacy business to protect or branch networks to pay for, it can offer borrowers a rate of 14%, well below standard charges of 18%.

That kind of price advantage keeps demand high. Lending Club made possible $140m of loans in April. Its revenues, from fees charged to borrowers and lenders, will amount to about $100m in 2013, and Mr Laplanche hopes to double that in 2014. The firm has had positive cashflow for the past three quarters and got a seal of approval in May when Google took a stake. Mr Laplanche is coy about what the relationship with Google will bring, but the investment establishes a benchmark for an IPO slated for some time next year. The deal valued the firm at $1.6 billion.

As for the supply of capital, institutional investors now account for two-thirds of loan volumes. We haven t used the term peer to peer for the past three years, just like Facebook doesn t call itself a social network, says Mr Laplanche. Investors such as insurers and sovereign-wealth funds have assigned pots as big as $100m.

Prosper, which was founded in 2006 and also targets America s $700 billion pile of credit-card debt, is equally keen to tend its institutional base. It has had a bumpier ride than Lending Club but a new funding round this year brought in Sequoia, a leading venture-capital firm, as the firm s biggest shareholder. It also installed new manager, headed by Stephan and Aaron Vermut, a father-and-son combination.

Prosper is not yet profitable but the institutional capital is also flowing in fast. This is the first time in history that non-bank investors can get access to unsecured consumer-credit products, says Aaron Vermut. The Vermuts have mimicked Lending Club by setting up two pools of loans. One contains whole loans that institutions can snap up; the other is a fractional pool , in which loans are divvied up among lenders, mostly retail investors.

CommonBond, a start-up based in New York, is taking aim at another great lump of American household debt: student loans. By targeting MBA students and graduates, it can cream off a creditworthy population of borrowers with proven earning power and offer a lower interest rate than the government s student loans. Its first fund was for 40 MBA students and graduates at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

The second fund is more ambitious. It will finance 1,500 students in 20 schools. The first fund drew on Wharton alumni for capital; this time around family offices, hedge funds and community banks are participating (it already has commitments for over $100m). And whereas the first fund was as simple as could be, the next one will be structured and securitised.

The draw of institutional money for peer-to-peer lenders is simple. It soups up growth, and increases capacity. It also makes it easier to think about offering longer-term products than the consumer loans which have been the industry s staple to date. Mr Laplanche reels off a list of areas in which Lending Club plans to expand, from student debt to business loans.

Some retail investors worry that they will get squeezed out. The firms are adamant they will not. One reason is that borrowers still like the idea of being lent to by other individuals, not by faceless pots of capital. Stephan Vermut at Prosper reckons that the social aspect to the site encourages higher repayment rates. David Klein, one of CommonBond s founders, stresses the importance of having MBA alumni fund students to create a sense of community.

Love at first flight

The firms are also unlikely to ditch a stable source of funding. Some individuals invest via retirement accounts, offering a predictable flow of capital. Mr Laplanche says that Lending Club s largest monthly inflow of retail money came in August 2011, when Standard & Poor s downgraded America s credit rating. Investors pulled money from the stockmarket and put it into what they regarded as the safer option.

The industry is no less appealing for its evolution. A glut of capital ought to keep things affordable for borrowers and increase liquidity. And regulators are pleased to see a growing alternative to mainstream banks that matches assets and liabilities and does not load up on leverage. We are a more efficient way of consumer lending and capital allocation, says Mr Laplanche. That description may not have the romantic ring of peer-to-peer lending but it does set the stage for the industry to have a greater impact.