< BOOM BOOM, the keyboard clacks



yes, though I was a youngster when ES started, and wasn't on BBSes, etc, before then (no home pc) I still hear/know a lot about the net, etiquette, online digital self-governance (e.g etiquette, ha), and how keeping one's head about them was crucial in a mostly un-moderated and "inconsequential" world. makes me wish I had been there, though I am cool with having the Web pre-Patriot Act, though.

sorry for rambling, I'd like to see "finite August" occur - people have to conduct themselves with common sense and no other guidelines, the "no "real world" blowback" nature of it would CREATE the environment of good exchange. Like being lone on a mountain side - those steps need be watched because no one pulls up with band-aids if anything goes wrong.

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~inquiry wrote:

"Finite August"? Oooh la la! Gloriously well put.

I remain amazed at/with how little there is in so much. Probably not the best analogy, but I wants me some *needle*, not flippin' hackstack fever....