Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.1 6/24/83; site unmvax.UUCP From: lee@unmvax.UUCP Newsgroups: net.micro.ti Subject: TI 99 assembler posted to net.sources Message-ID: <377@unmvax.UUCP> Date: Sun, 22-Jul-84 13:32:14 EDT Article-I.D.: unmvax.377 Posted: Sun Jul 22 13:32:14 1984 Date-Received: Mon, 30-Jul-84 00:07:26 EDT Organization: Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque Lines: 29 Wow! Got a lot of response for my grungy assembler. I have posted it to net.sources in three pieces. The first is the assembler itself. There is a rather rudimentary linker also. The second is the documentation, originally written for an imagen. Shouldn't take much to get it to go elsewhere. The third is a few test programs. Now for a mess of disclaimers: I don't care what you do with it. If you want to give it away, go right ahead. Please don't sell it though. Hack it or chuck it, makes no difference to me. I tried to write it portably. Shouldn't be too hard to move around. There are known bugs. Unfortunately, I don't know them as this other person playing with it didn't feel like telling me about them. It is painfully slow; I wrote it for a class project and the size of code we were worried about compiling was pretty small so this was acceptable to us. The algorithms and data structures are a bit funny and not too optimal. This was my first ever attempt at an assembler (never wrote a compiler either) so forgive me, please. I hope that you can find it useful. There is another version (that other persons) that has a lot of bugfixes and puts out a listing at assembly time. It probably will only run on a VAX though. So, I decided to post this one. If there is enough interest I will post that one too. Last thing, when you make bugfixes or/and extensions please send me a copy. Maybe this'll turn into something decent. -- --Lee (Ward) {ucbvax,convex,gatech,pur-ee}!unmvax!lee