



There are a lot of advantages - you really get an old-school website that will

work in old browsers, via HTTP

you will be able to edit the site from the admin panel (even under DOS).

you can add your domain painlessly

if you are not satisfied with third-level domains

w10.site .w0.am and .narod.ws

your site is located on a subdomain and not in a folder with a tilde

More than 40 templates are already ready for use, many of them are proprietary, work under older browsers, and are backward compatible.

Widgets are available by simply entering a code

blog widget, guest widget, feedback, chat, and so on

Write a reply


~inquiry wrote:

> try:
> http://w10.host

Looks interesting, and yet - believe it or not - overkill for my needs.

But I appreciate your bringing it to my attention!