< Things I'm Feeling



You're certainly not wrong about the many ways that religion negatively influences the world. I turned away from religion and became an atheist at age 10. I have always believed this to be the correct position, but I will acknowledge that it can be a lonely path, especially if you live in a particularly religious area or if your family is religious (mine was). However, it is also very freeing in that (as I mentioned in my last post), you are put in the position of needing to decide how to give your life meaning. You might find some value in exploring non-theistic communities, such as The Satanic Temple, which provide opportunities for engaging with like-minded individuals, participating in community activism, and sharing a well-codified moral framework.


Whatever you end up doing, just remember to be kind to yourself and to others as best as you can and try to turn your energy toward making a more compassionate, just, and reasonable world.

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