< hello_world


Welcome, ~no-name! ~bartender, the usual for me, thank you.

A new place always is anxiety-inducing and, like some of us, I am no exception. In my case, however, it highly depends on the location and the people I'm surrounded by – I cannot for the life of it enter a school building without getting uncomfortable. (As you might be able to tell, my school years weren't all sunshine and rainbows.) While I did grow out of some of my social anxiety by taking rather drastic measures, some anxiety remained and the fact that I'm as cautious with my choice of words as possible is a permanent result of what I used to experience years ago.

But this kind of stuff is not relevant on Midnight. Everyone's free to engage with it at their own pace and however they want to (as long as you don't make our calm bartender mad, of course) – and everyone started off as a lurker, right? Take it easy and enjoy the atmosphere.

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