#include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef void (*fn)(void); #define SLABSIZE 4096 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int value = 41; unsigned char *slab = malloc(SLABSIZE); if (!slab) err(1, "malloc"); memset(slab, 0xC3, SLABSIZE); // RET slab[0] = 0x90; // how about a NOP sled to the RET? slab[1] = 0x90; slab[3] = 0x90; int fd = open("slab", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); if (fd >= 0) { write(fd, slab, SLABSIZE); close(fd); } if (mprotect(slab, SLABSIZE, PROT_EXEC) != 0) err(1, "mprotect"); fn call = (fn) slab; call(); printf("%d\n", value); }