< super-controversial!!! j/k I love wee gopher
I prefer Gemini, but I think Gopher is a good backup.
The advantages of Gemini over Gopher:
- TLS is part of the standard, rather than a non-standard extension.
- Error responses have error codes, rather than you just having to guess.
- Content-type is part of the response, rather than part of the link
- Gemtext is a document format with links, whereas gophermaps are really only supposed to be for menus; the non-standard 'i' type gets abused for turning them into documents.
Advantages of Gopher over Gemini:
- Works with retrocomputers that aren't capable of TLS
- Implementations may have few or no dependencies
In general, I think serving the same content over Gemini and Gopher is cool and good.
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~enteka wrote:
i "i" abused, what a filthy word. I'd rather say "employed creatively" :)