Midnight Pub

HamsterCMS Echoes Bootstrap theme


Are you bored?

I decided to overcome myself and remake the topic for the hamster on bootstrap.

This is an interesting solution for those who want to make an adaptive business card.

I tested it on my phone and it looks great.

this is what theme looks like https://github.com/turboblack/HamsterCMS_Echoes_Bootstrap_theme/blob/main/example.png

Instructions - create an echoes folder in the templates folder and copy the template files there

in the admin panel, open any page of the site (for example, the same index), select the echoes template in the bottom menu and save.

We open the site and the first page on our new template. All that remains is to save the remaining pages of the site.

https://github.com/turboblack/HamsterCMS_Echoes_Bootstrap_theme enjoy

p.s.: to add a footer - after [[CONTENTS]] in index.html add [[footer.txt]]

then open footer.txt, it’s in the includes folder, enter the data we need there, save it, and admire the site

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