I really can't imagine a life where I communicate with my friends via newsletter. That actually its like a dream. That's why I'm trying to do it here as a start!
> Anyway, an uptick in people e-mailing (and blogging, > newsletter'ing, etc) these days, and that's always nice :)
> https://buttondown.email/touchgrass/archive/2022-was-a-reboot/
Thanks. Nice read.
yeah i left pretty much every social media behind in late 2019/early 2020, holding onto a few for the sake of "staying connected" and then in 2021 realized how stupid that is... now i'm glad to say i thoroughly enjoy the time i have with people in the real world but also through conversations via email and text messaging. writing has become fun, and i'm glad about that because it's very therapeutic for me. i used to feel like i had this audience i had to please (as mentioned above) but now i just write about silly little things or very big things, all for myself.
cheers :)