



Well... mine is probably more technically a table, but it's rather cool: a rather open metal base into which the posts connected to the solid wood top slide to configurable heights. I've a lamp like the one that jumped around in "Toy Story" in the upper right corner. A couple laptops: the work machine, this private Chromebook. A somewhat ancient digital time/date/month/temperature thingie (by "Ken-Tech".. the face plate also says it's "R A D I O C O N T R O L L E D", but I'm not sure I ever knew what that meant...).

We've both our desks in the corner of a living room that has the largest living room window I've ever lived behind, through which I see some front yard plants, then an old rough-hewn fence, then woods... just a teeny little strip of the end of this street in view on the right side of the frame...

If I lean (in the one (office) chair that's ever done right by my lower back..) right to look more left out that window, I can see portions of an old covered bridge allegedly (i.e. per verbiage on it) in 1971. It's surrounded by a somewhat tall chain-linked fence that, of course, intruders have damaged over the years.. yet from this distance the covered bridge itself looks fine, so I suspect the fence damage has to do with people accessing the place in order to drink/smoke....?

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