From Tue Jul 25 13:42:06 1995 Xref: Newsgroups:, Path:!rcwoods From: (cal woods) Subject: INFO: How to deal with WINDOWS CARDFILE Message-ID: Sender: (TCD News System ) Organization: University of Dublin, Trinity College Date: Mon, 24 Jul 1995 15:14:59 GMT Lines: 171 .oooooo. ooooo .oooooo. .o. d8P' `Y8b `888' d8P' `Y8b .888. 888 888 888 888 .8"888. 888 888 888 888 .8' `888. 888 888 888 888 ooooo .88ooo8888. `88b d88' 888 o `88. .88' .8' `888. `Y8bood8P' o888ooooood8 `Y8bood8P' o88o o8888o HOW TO DEAL WITH WINDOWS CARDFILE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Intro: An accessory called 'Cardfile' is now being shipped by Micro$oft as part of their Windows package. Cardfile files have the extention *.crd, which also happens to be the suffix for 'chord' as used by the guitar community on usenet and the internet. The result is that when Windows users download *.crd files from OLGA, Windows automatically treats them as cardfile files, and gets an error. We are currnetly taking soundings as to a change in the extension from 'crd' to 'cho', which will probably come into effect shortly, but at the date of posting the problem remains. Below are a number of hints that I have culled from various sources detailing ways that people have come to terms with this problem. If you can add to or correct this file, please let me know cheers :-) cal From the 'Guide to the TAB Archives' FAQ File: How do I read .crd and .tab files on a word processor? ====================================================== An increasingly common problem (mainly among Mac and PC users) is when you try to view .crd and .tab files. Firstly, many MS-Windows users try the File Manager and click on their .crd file which will often initiate the Card File program. Windows users may find that opening Notebook and selecting File/Open then changing the file type to All (*.*) is a good way of viewing CRD and TAB. If you wish to view the files on a Word Processor, you must put the text in a fixed-width (monospaced) font. Most fonts give different widths to characters such as l, n and m so the following lines: llllllllllllllllllllllllll nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm are all of different lengths. You must select a font such as Courier which is monospaced to make the lines the same length. Any such font is suitable for viewing CRD and TAB correctly. ---------- ;;From: (Jack Graells) ;;Date: 31 Mar 1995 00:06:46 +1000 ;;Subject: Re: Help!.crd reader needed ;; ;; Another way to do it, if you dont use cardfile.exe is to remove the line ;; crd=cardfile.exe ^.crd in the section [Extensions] of the win.ini file. ;; To edit them automaticaly clicking from the file manager you can replace ;; crd=cardfile.exe ^.crd by the name of your word processor eg: ;; ;; [Extensions] ;; crd=c:\winword\winword.exe ^.crd ;; ;; or if you dont have any word processor ;; ;; [extensions] ;; crd=write.exe ^.crd ;; ;; Good luck ;; Jack ~From: (Jeffrey Ma) ~Date: 6 May 1995 01:01:09 GMT ~Newsgroups: ~Subject: Re: OLGA help In article <3ocd2k$>, (brett f) says: > >Help me please! I've been following this newsgroup since first picking up >a guitar a couple of months back. I've read all the relevant info on how >to get to OLGA but since I haven't had access to a web browser I hadn't >tried getting there. Now I've got netscape and am able to get there no >problem, though any files with .crd (most of them) I my computer won't read. >Can anyone give me some advice. > >Much appreciated >Brett Netscape thinks .crd files are "Card" files and is trying to use a Cardfile application to view it. You need to tell Netscape that .crd files are *Chord* files. Here's the advice I used to make it possible to get .crd files with Netscape. It was originally posted here by Andrew Wilson ( [Begin quote] Netscape. Go to Options/Preferences/Helper Applications. Click on the New button. In the Mime type box type Text, and Chords in the subtype box. This will bring a new entry into the table of file types. Highlight this and type 'crd' in the extension box. [End Quote] This won't let you view it like .tab files, but now you can save to a disk and later view it with whatever word proccessor you use. Hope this helps. Jeff ~From: (Robert Shively) ~Date: 10 Jun 1995 17:55:58 GMT ~Newsgroups: ~Subject: Re: CRD Files bring up Windows cardfile, when using Netscape In article <3rck51$>, Tony Cappellini says: > > >How do I get around the problem of Netscape launching Windows Cardfile >when I try to download .crd files from OLGA ? > > I used to have this prob too. All you need to do is click on Options, Preferences, then click on the top pull down, and go into Helper Applications. Then where you see the extensions names, go down to the one that has txt in it. Then just add this string directly after txt: ,crd Then exit Netscape and come back in to make it work. Bobby Shively From Thu Jun 22 11:42:38 1995 ~From: J Smith ~Date: 20 Jun 1995 21:30:53 GMT ~Newsgroups:, ~Subject: Re: INFO: Windows Cardfile causing problems? In article , says: > >From the 'Guide to the TAB Archives' FAQ File: > >How do I read .crd and .tab files on a word processor? >====================================================== The way I handle the problem is to change the filename extension to '.txt' before downloading. I can then edit easily in Windows via the 'Notepad' utility -- works wonders! J Smith Sunnyvale, CA - The problem with .crd files is that winzip (and Windows) automatically calls up the cardfile.exe program when it sees the .crd extension. Even removing this association from the c:\windows\win.ini file doesn't cure this. One good trick is to rewrite the cardfile.exe program with a copy of the notepad.exe. Of course, this will disable cardfile. I don't use cardfile.exe, so I don't care. c:\windows> copy cardfile.exe cardfile.old c:\windows> copy notepad.exe cardfile.exe