


Yeah, quite a ways north of SoCal.

Prolly quite a bit older, too.

Your childhood astronomy interest mention reminded me of my own fascination that direction as a kid, having me remember what a bible a particular edition of this:

"Sky Observer's Guide"

was to me.

I had a 240x refractor... from *Sears*, I believe. It had a finder scope, a couple lenses (don't remember the mm's, though..), a "Barlow" lens (don't remember the magnification factor), and whatever the lens that inverts the image is called.

The first time I saw Saturn through it was the die and go to heaven zone, for sure. I actually recorded the event on a reel-to-reel tape recorder, mostly whispering to avoid awakening family members, and *probably* still have that tape... but the magnetization was certainly lost to time, never mind noting the tape material itself being far too frail to be subjected to the herky-jerky mechanics of tape replay again.

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