[2022-05-04T01:20:45Z] <phinxy> anyone else using cmus with alsa?  it often errors during song change: "Error: opening audio device: Resource busy" it feels like cmus itself doesnt release the device before asking for it again.  i have no mixer because bluealsa doesnt support it.
[2022-05-04T01:37:35Z] <phinxy> bah.  opened an issue on cmus github instead.  good night.
[2022-05-04T05:27:33Z] <testuser[m]> phinxy: u need to configure alsa   so that it can be used by multiple programs at once
[2022-05-04T10:25:38Z] <testuser[m]> hi
[2022-05-04T10:26:01Z] <testuser[m]> can anyone running sway try to reproduce this https://termbin.com/wyfe
[2022-05-04T18:04:55Z] <testuser[m]> https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Microsoft-3D-Movie-Maker
[2022-05-04T19:50:28Z] <acheam_> o/
[2022-05-04T19:52:19Z] <acheam_> I'm glad to see that dylan is active on GH even if not in KISS
[2022-05-04T19:52:50Z] <acheam_> konimex: sad that you're no longer using kiss
[2022-05-04T19:52:56Z] <acheam_> what are you using instead?
[2022-05-04T19:53:24Z] <acheam_> also nice that you're using simple.css, i'm a big fan of it
[2022-05-04T22:24:09Z] <noocsharp> https://artixlinux.org/kotnr.php
[2022-05-04T22:24:42Z] <noocsharp> he's an artix developer
[2022-05-04T22:27:48Z] <noocsharp> might be time for me to make the jump back soon
[2022-05-04T22:29:24Z] <acheam_> oh cool