

I was expecting the lyrical timing/wording of The Smashing Pumpkins "An Ode To No One", but this is clearly a different song reference (which I cannot place).

But yea, my words on/off the smolnet linger and drift, and are likely not needed *currently*, let alone in some distant time.

Hope you're good, Inquiry. And hope the singing/songs are still occurring in the Real World/Meat Space atmosphere, and not just on the WWW (or WWsW (World Wide smol Web) ;)

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~inquiry wrote (thread):


The post was a poor attempt at describing slowly finding little difference between not-smolnet and smolnet apart from people in the latter going on and on about how much better smolnet is than not-smolnet.

To me, the better measure of online space quality is interaction, not size ("smol"). I've seen many "smolnet" spaces that aren't any better in the quality interaction department than in not-smol spaces.

So... it seems size doesn't matter in this game. One either lucks out by encountering others of similar topic interests and "response frequency/quality joy", or it's "whining into the void as usual" (I tried to be cute leveraging the Beatles song title "For No One" to refer to said "void"...).