[2021-10-08T01:45:06Z] <midfavila-ii> So how are you guys doing this evening? [2021-10-08T01:49:34Z] <acheam> hey midfavila [2021-10-08T01:49:45Z] <acheam> and midfavila-ii [2021-10-08T01:49:48Z] <midfavila> Hullo. [2021-10-08T01:50:18Z] <acheam> has kiedtl been around per chance? [2021-10-08T01:50:24Z] <midfavila> No clue. [2021-10-08T01:50:29Z] <acheam> midfavila: how goes it? [2021-10-08T01:50:55Z] <midfavila> It goes. I'm experimenting with CTWM and various filesystem-related programs [2021-10-08T01:50:58Z] <midfavila> see: ii [2021-10-08T01:51:47Z] <acheam> nice [2021-10-08T01:51:58Z] <acheam> what other filesystem-related programs are there? [2021-10-08T01:52:06Z] <midfavila> well, earlier I found x11fs [2021-10-08T01:52:13Z] <midfavila> which is exactly what it sounds like lmao [2021-10-08T01:52:29Z] <midfavila> there's also sshfs and ftpfs, which are a little more pedestrian but still useful [2021-10-08T01:52:42Z] <acheam> whats the point of all these utilities? [2021-10-08T01:53:00Z] <acheam> especially because x11fs needs a running daemon anyways [2021-10-08T01:53:03Z] <midfavila> well, for me at least, I find them effective at reducing overhead [2021-10-08T01:53:06Z] <midfavila> for example [2021-10-08T01:53:20Z] <midfavila> i normally use wmctrl+wmutils to control my windows [2021-10-08T01:53:29Z] <midfavila> but that requires a program for every single operation [2021-10-08T01:53:32Z] <midfavila> plus a script [2021-10-08T01:53:39Z] <midfavila> and then sxhkd to bind said script [2021-10-08T01:53:57Z] <midfavila> x11fs allows you to use regular unix tools and the filesystem to control things, in comparison [2021-10-08T01:54:05Z] <midfavila> so you can eliminate the need to have like 20+ tools on the system [2021-10-08T01:54:15Z] <acheam> hmm [2021-10-08T01:54:15Z] <acheam> nice [2021-10-08T01:54:17Z] <noocsharp> so it's trying to be plan9 but worse [2021-10-08T01:54:17Z] <midfavila> ultimately I suppose it comes down to user preference [2021-10-08T01:54:20Z] <midfavila> well [2021-10-08T01:54:20Z] <midfavila> yes [2021-10-08T01:54:21Z] <midfavila> :v [2021-10-08T01:54:34Z] <midfavila> but unfortunately I can't switch to using p9 as my main OS yet [2021-10-08T01:54:40Z] <midfavila> so I have to settle for making linux as close as possible to it [2021-10-08T01:59:04Z] <midfavila> ugh, whoever let that root cert expire needs to be reprimanded [2021-10-08T01:59:33Z] <noocsharp> ... [2021-10-08T02:05:24Z] <cot> acheam: o/ [2021-10-08T02:33:49Z] <acheam> oh forgot about the cot nick [2021-10-08T02:34:16Z] <acheam> can we remove the chanserv entrymsg? I tried removing it myself but got permission denied errors, even after opping [2021-10-08T02:51:10Z] <cot> acheam: sure [2021-10-08T02:53:28Z] <cot> acheam: you should have SET perms now. [2021-10-08T02:53:40Z] <cot> also... a terry davis quote in the /topic? o_O [2021-10-08T03:20:28Z] <testuser[m]> Hi [2021-10-08T03:32:36Z] <acheam> hi testuser[m] [2021-10-08T03:33:00Z] <acheam> cot: thanks [2021-10-08T03:36:50Z] <akira01> Hi guys [2021-10-08T03:38:26Z] <jess> akira01: "/msg chanserv set entrymsg" should unset it [2021-10-08T03:38:28Z] <jess> err [2021-10-08T03:38:34Z] <jess> acheam: "/msg chanserv set entrymsg" should unset it [2021-10-08T03:38:35Z] <jess> rather than "" [2021-10-08T03:38:49Z] <akira01> Lol [2021-10-08T03:39:23Z] <jess> oh someone got there already [2021-10-08T03:39:39Z] <jess> oh, no, that's an old log [2021-10-08T03:43:23Z] <acheam> jess: that gives me an insufficient parameters error [2021-10-08T03:43:50Z] <jess> err [2021-10-08T03:43:59Z] <jess> "/msg chanserv set #kisslinux entrymsg" [2021-10-08T03:44:02Z] <jess> should unset [2021-10-08T03:44:14Z] <jess> there we go [2021-10-08T03:44:35Z] <acheam> oh yeah, ofc it wouldnt work without the channel :) [2021-10-08T03:44:38Z] <acheam> Thanks! [2021-10-08T03:44:51Z] <jess> np! [2021-10-08T04:14:13Z] <midfavila> You know, I think I can dig ii [2021-10-08T04:14:40Z] <midfavila> It's a little clunky using it directly, but it has charm. [2021-10-08T09:43:36Z] <testuser[m]> GalaxyNova[m]1: did you manage to install winpoz in qemu ? [2021-10-08T10:08:40Z] <testuser[m]> rio6: could you add this patch to the sdl package ? nothing works without it https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL/commit/402b86f2a88b5ee3e112dbde2ec232ee5f36572f.patch [2021-10-08T11:47:43Z] <rio6> testuser[m]: sure I'll add it tonight [2021-10-08T14:43:28Z] <testuser[m]> illiliti: is passing host usb devices into qemu guest supported by libudev-zero ? [2021-10-08T14:44:18Z] <testuser[m]> qemu doesnt seem to complain but im unable to see them inside the guest, probably a config issue [2021-10-08T14:53:49Z] <testuser[m]> oh i just had to pass `-M q35` [2021-10-08T15:58:40Z] <illiliti> idk [2021-10-08T15:59:09Z] <illiliti> i've never tried to test qemu with libudev-zero