


Well, no wonder our smileys and winkies seem to have so joyful an alternating coexistence! :-)

Pretty sure I've mentioned this next quote before in these parts, but it remains a fave:

"All mental is illness."


The species seems wont to discuss some relatively limited forms of mentality constituting illness. But I've noticed I'm significantly happier and/or more at peace sans thoughts altogether.

Sure, some thoughts are seemingly fun for a season, but have a tendency to invoke their own opposites (e.g. can you think about light without dark, heavy without light, loud without soft, etc., etc.? ), and eventually become infested with a loathsome what-might-be-called "ennui mold".

But sans thoughts altogether... how could their be either a problem or its opposite? There's essentially no modeling of an alleged objective reality in terms of pairs of opposite notions.. not even an infinitely lonely, "free-willed" instantiation of subjectivity relative to said object reality, just <of COURSE it can't be said>.

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~johano wrote (thread):

Oh the mind, or some functions/manifestations of it rather, has its role and uses; it's just when it gets out of hand and thinks it's running the whole show that one has to watch out :)

Also in re thoughts and questions and answers and problems and solutions: one dear teacher said something about how there are questions out there that seem not to have answers, but if you sit with them long enough, the questions may change and the need for answers becomes less important... also Harding had an essay on how both problems and solutions come from the same place, which is of course that ineffable presence/absence that we really really are.

Also also, art and music can express better what words can't...