My path has gone down various twisty turny ways, Fourth Way stuff is only a part... Idries Shah (who I regard as both a fabulist *and* important) is/was another.
If nothing else, it engendered a healthy inner sense of "things might not be at all as they seem/appear", which stoked much investigation/discovery down other paths.
This is so important to have, along with a boundless curiosity and a functioning BS detector!
<moment of silence for that man, who couldn't possibly still be alive>
Amen, may his memory be for a blessing...
Everyone knows the saying that repetition is the mother of memory... there's a corollary saying, which is:
Memory is the mother of wisdom.
I've been wanting to reply to the "path" mention so badly, but... well.... BUT I SWEAR I WILL....
(he says, remembering the hard part is agonizing over what combination of words might actually make a difference)