


Oh I see. Jesus, sounds like a real mess -- glad you got out of it. Ah I thought you meant she was Disney Pixar mom pear-shaped or something :P

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~inquiry wrote (thread):

The phrase "homely hot" comes to mind. :-)

Speaking of women in my past, when I moved from my home state (US:Wisconsin) to where I'd have my first serious full time employment (US:New York), I stayed with a 76-year old female (she often remarked she was the same age as Ronald Reagan...) with the most glorious so-called Brooklyn accent. She came to mind last night, and searching on her name had me remembering she was rather into haiku, and was actually the editor of some major haiku publication for a while. The search hits actually led me to an installment of that publication.

Love that sort of thing!

She was a real trip. I actually first stayed alone in one of her three units in a large house, but she moved in with me after explaining she needed to make more rental moolah... which led to all kinds of interesting/scary experiences.

For example, there were many times I'd find her crying - sometimes to the point of screaming - over voices she was convinced were "CIA operatives" yelling at and/or threatening her - which OF COURSE led to discussion about whether she was picking up those voices through her metallic tooth fillings....

And then there was the time I was laying on the couch watching TV, and she came in the door from the central hallway cradling a stack of wood in her arms, began telling me something or another, and when I perchance looked down at her legs (eye level), noted a BAT with wings extended clinging to the inside of one of her thighs... I had to say "Um... Lilli... I need you to be calm.. I'm going to express something to you that might sound alarming at first, but... please... CALM...." and then described the situation, carefully took the wood from her... and she carefully left for the outdoors where she even more carefully removed her pants, the bat remaining clawed to them throughout the process.... :-)

Oh! And then there was the time she watched Zeppelin's "The Song Remains the Same" concert (originally typed 'convert'...) video with me... I'll never forget how she repeatedly murmured how beautiful she thought Jimmy Page was.... :-)